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Society of
General physiologists


Please click on the below link for a PDF of the Society's Bylaws

SGP Bylaws

SGP Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Society values the diversity of our membership and of our colleagues in science. We welcome all people equally, without regard to race, gender, gender-identity, age, academic rank, nationality, ethnicity, country of origin, faith, or any other factor besides the shared desire to be a part of scientific discovery, in our roles as educators and scholars, and in our appreciation in the strength that is intrinsic to having diverse colleagues with whom to pursue our scientific goals. We are unwavering in our commitment to the principles and practice of inclusion, leveraging the power of diversity to encourage all members and colleagues to aspire to their scientific and personal goals. We affirm that all are entitled to a respectful environment that encourages diverse contributions and that none should ever feel hindered from professional success by discrimination, overt or subtle, as they contribute to the Society’s scientific mission and to the community.

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